Customer Reviews

We are a customer-focused business, proud of our reputation for quality.

Feedback is important to us as it helps us improve our service. Below are some of our recent reviews from happy customers.

Clean & Tidy Kent

Fantastic service, always cleared up at the of each day. House windows, doors and car washed down to get rid of the plaster dust. Would gladly recommend him to others.

Pleasure to work with Kent

Goodridge Brickwork & Building Contractors added a new back door opening and installed the new door at a rental property. The price was good, they showed when they said they would, and the job was completed on time and to the agreed price. They even took the old bricks away too. Would definitely use them again.

Quality Work Kent

Jason has done a few jobs for me now; a large extension, driveway dig out with retaining walls, and installed a new 1st floor window with new lintel, and has always done a top job. Reliable, on-time and always checking that everything is to my satisfaction as the jobs have progressed. Most importantly the quality of work has always been excellent, and the price has always been competitive and accurate.

Very professional Kent

Goodridge Brickwork & Building Contractors ie., Jason, Alex, Dave and Malcolm were contracted to replace our drive. They were on time every morning at 8am to start work. They were very mindful of neighbours always polite and courteous and cleaned up after themselves along the way. There work is of a high quality and they consulted with us at every stage as to our requirements.

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